Electrons and Protons in the Atom

Although there are any number of possible methods by which electrons and protons might be grouped, they assemble in specifi c atomic combinations for a stable arrangement. (An atom is the smallest particle of the basic elements which forms the physical substances we know as solids, liquids, and gases.) Each stable combination of electrons and protons makes one particular type of atom. For example, Fig. 1–2 illustrates the electron and proton structure of one atom of the gas, hydrogen. This atom consists of a central mass called the nucleus and one electron outside. The proton in the nucleus makes it the massive and stable part of the atom because a proton is 1840 times heavier than an electron.

Figure 1. Electron and proton in hydrogen (H) atom.
In Fig. 1, the one electron in the hydrogen atom is shown in an orbital ring around the nucleus. To account for the electrical stability of the atom, we can consider the electron as spinning around the nucleus, as planets revolve around the sun. Then the electrical force attracting the electrons in toward the nucleus is balanced by the mechanical force outward on the rotating electron. As a result, the electron stays in its orbit around the nucleus.

Steel Manufacture: Ironmaking, Steelmaking, Continuous Casting, and Rolling/Forging

In most of the world, steel is manufactured by integrated steel facilities that produce steel from basic raw materials, i.e., iron ore, coke, and limestone. However, the fastest growing segment of the steel industry is the “minimill” that melts steel scrap as the raw material. Both types of facilities produce a wide variety of steel forms, including sheet, plate, structural, railroad rail, and bar products.

Eye Protection: How to Work Safely in the Shop

To protect yourself from injuries, you need to wear personal protective equipment (PPE), dress appropriately, work professionally, and correctly handle tools and equipment. PPE are items such as safety glasses, uniforms, and safety boots or shoes that help protect you while working in the shop.

Posted by Willy Prastiyo

Teori Dasar Cara Kerja Baterai: Reaksi Elektrokimia

Baterai adalah alat elektro kimia yang dibuat untuk mensuplai listrik ke sistem starter, sistem pengapian, sistem penerangan, dan komponen kelistrikan lainnya. Alat ini menyimpan listrik menyimpan listrik dalam bentuk energi kimia yang akan dikeluarkan bila diperlukan, mensuplai ke masing-masing sistem yang memerlukannya.

Karena dalam proses baterai kehilangan energi kimia, maka alternator mensuplainya kembali ke